Saturday, November 05, 2005


On the nature of Magick

Magick spelt with a K to differentiate it from the stuff David Copperfield does rather than for the normal pretensions.

Some random musings ....

1. Quantum Physics: either the observer collapses the probability waves on observing the results or all results actually occur in "parallel" universes and the observer simply "chooses" between realities (Copenhagen vs Many-Worlds).

2. If the many-worlds interpretation holds water, does this imply that an observer's perceived path through the various realities is random. What we remember as events are those that happened along a random path at which we are currently at the end point. And therefore there is a set of other "mes" in parallel universes who remember other paths.

3. If we could control the path which the consciousness takes through the alternate realities would this not give the same effect as being able to control reality. If for example one path leads to a desired goal and another does not, then if one can choose that this consciousness remembers the desired path then ipso facto one achieves the desired goal.

4. All magical systems (and religous ones in many cases) use ritual, training etc. to concentrate the will on a particular goal. Could the effect of this be to provide a means of navigating the paths through alternate realities in a controlled way rather than the normal random path.

5. "As my will so mote it be" becomes "as my will so my memory will be". " Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" becomes "Do what thou will remember shall be the whole of the Law"

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